Tuesday, March 23, 2010

A Good Time Had By All, Almost

My family went to an MSU basketball game last Saturday.  The Bulldogs were playing North Carolina in the second round of the NIT.  Here's who was there:

My two kids (of course).  As you can see, this is before the game started.  The place is almost empty.  As I remember correctly, this would be about 30 minutes before the game started.  Someone in my family who will remain nameless texted us from inside the Hump telling us the announcer had just said that tipoff was goign to be 30 minutes early.  Now my common sense side said that would be impossible since the game was being televised, but nonetheless it put us in hyperdrive and almost made my son sick (ohhhh, keep reading) until we got into the Hump and found our seats.  Then when we got in there we realized it was all just a joke.  I knew it!

This is my sister's family plus one friend.  We're trying to persuade my nieces (especially my oldest, in the maroon shirt) to attend State.  I told her the whole idea of going to this game was a shameless way to try to get her to go there.

And here's me and my mom.  She's one of the biggest Bulldog fans I know.  She enjoyed the game but we all would have enjoyed the game more if we would have won.....

Here's the Bulldogs getting fired up! 

Varnado shooting a freethrow.  My pictures aren't that clear.  I'm having to zoom a LONG way. 

And here's the whole reason Poptart went.  Well, this and the cheerleaders.  And I realized how totally out of shape I am after carrying her all the way down the stairs for this picture and then back up to our seats.  But it was worth it.  Now she is convinced she wants a "real Bulldog" for a pet.  Um, I don't think so. 

Remember when I said my son almost got sick when he thought we were going to miss half the game?  With 2 minutes to go he looked at his father (which by the way was there but somehow avoided all my pictures) and said he needed to go to the bathroom...he was about to be sick.  So Brad was texting me back and forth wanting to know what was happening.  Gogurt didn't get sick, but they didn't have time to come back to the seats so they just watched from the hallway place. 

We lost and later that night Gogurt did get sick.  Stomach virus.  All in all it was a great trip.  We would do it again in a heartbeat.  I hated to see Gogurt so miserable on the 2-hour trip home though.  That was the worst part.  We were all a little heart sick from losing, but we're proud of our Dawgs for a good season.  Can't wait 'til next year!

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