Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thanks to you who left comments here and also to those who e-mailed me privately concerning my last post. Thanks for being encouraging voices to us!

Brad is still working on his application to seminary. If you have ever filled out a seminary application (or any other kind) you know it is like a book. He has had to write "mini-essays" concerning his salvation experience, what he feels his calling is, and how he defines a divine calling. He also has to go to the doctor to get "checked out", and he has to send in a copy of his immunization record. His Momma is working on that (how is that going, Nana?). I do know a little about trying to get your hands on your immunization record. I had to get a copy of mine when I started teaching preschool last year, and it turned out to be quite complicated. Anyway, I hope all these loose ends get tied up soon, and he can start the wait - the wait to see if he is accepted.

Once he is accepted, classes will start middle of August. He is planning to take one class at the extension campus and one class online. I'm so excited for him!

And since we're talking about school, can I say we've come upon the part of summer where Gogurt starts getting bored? He's told me several times today that he has nothing to do. It also doesn't help that several of the neighborhood kids are gone this week visiting dads, grandparents, etc. and he is here all alone. Poor Gogurt.

He wouldn't admit to being ready for school, and I'm not ready to say it either. I'm sure later this month I might say it (and by then I won't really have a choice), but for now I'm still looking forward to the few things we have left to do this summer. Vacation Bible School is coming up, and it is always fun. I am teaching 5th and 6th grade and Brad is teaching missions. I think I'm as excited as the kids this year! After VBS, we have a trip planned to Alabama for a family reunion. We missed it last year so I'm glad we are going this year.

After VBS and our little trip to AL, we'll have to start gearing up for school. All of us.


Anonymous said...

Just to let you know the immunization records will be mailed today 7/9 so let me know if they do not arrive. (I made copy) You 2 hang in there it will all come together. Keeping you all in our prayers and you do the same for us, it seems we are all starting a new chapter in our lives and it will be a big adjustment for all but God will see us through. HI! Gogurt & Poptart

Amy said...

Thank you for doing this....I found out after I posted this that you had already talked to Brad. But you know how he forgets to tell me things!

Jennifer said...

I am so glad you are excited about VBS ... with all the other things we have going I am really struggling to get into the groove. I am sure I'll be excited by 5:30 on Sunday though!