Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Last Door of the Year

When I took the job teaching at this particular preschool, there was only one thing that intimidated me. Decorating my classroom door. I have to do WHAT????? I despise bulletin boards, much less entire doors; however, over the course of the year I have determined that it might not be as bad as I first suspected.

No matter, I am still glad this will be my last door change of the year. And it is one I am particularly proud of if I do say so myself.

The buses have little thumbnail pictures of each student headed off to the school they will be attending next year. They are headed off to Kindergarten. Can you believe I only have 8 students and there are 5 different elementary schools represented on this door?

For someone who dry heaves at the thought of doing anything really "crafty," I am just thrilled how this door turned out!


JP said...

Test Run for the BroInLaw

Jennifer said...

I am SO proud of you! Maybe now you are ready to tackle the bulletin boards upstairs at church or you can use your new-found confidence on the door of your VBS room! lol!