Monday, November 16, 2009

Bondage, LOL!

Yesterday morning before getting ready for church, we were all in my bedroom. I grabbed a Bible Dictionary and suggested playing a game. Here's how it would go: I would randomly open the book and point to a word. Then everybody would have to guess what that word meant. Simple.

Most words chosen were unpronouncable, never-heard-of Bible towns, objects, people, etc.

So after I had several turns, Go-gurt wanted a turn choosing the words, and then Brad wanted a turn choosing the words.

One of Brad's words was "Bondage."

Gogurt immediately started yelling, "Oh, oh, I know this one!"

"It means to get married!

Okay, we'll give that one to ya.


And just to prove that I'm not above admitting my shortcomings on this blog and not just my children's, I will share a little story about myself. I know you cannot wait.

Many of you know I am the pianist at our church. I often enjoy singing along with the congregration as I play.

Yesterday morning during the hymn, "All the Way My Savior Leads Me," I came across this line:

Gushing from the Rock before me, Lo! a spring of joy I see.

Would you believe when I got to the little word Lo with the exclamation point after it, my brain processed this as LOL!.

Honestly! I hesitated-how exactly do you sing LOL?

Well, I hope I've made you LOL today. Have a great one!


Mrs. Valente said...

Ahaha!! Yes, you sure did!

Anonymous said...

My sweet daughter-in-law can I laugh at you the way a certain carload of family laughed at me for calling the guys car tag something besides scuba II?????? I love you girl!!!!!