Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cartoon Mix-Up

I don't want to sound superficial, but I am really looking forward to the Biggest Loser Finale tonight.
Brad's big trip is coming up soon, but I am still waiting a little while to post about that. Actually, I have a little trip of my own coming up in a couple of weeks. I will tell you about that later as well.
Can I tell you that we bought a video at a recent Friends of the Library sale? Apparently no one uses a VCR anymore (except us) and they were trying to rid themselves of all their VHS tapes. So we bought four of them. One was a Barney video Poptart picked out. Barney is bad enough, but imagine my surprise when after she put the video in the VCR, we were watching SpongeBob. Yuck! Now I know some of you may allow your children to watch SpongeBob, but mine are not allowed to. So this was very disappointing.....then Poptart started crying and wailing, "But I love SpongeBob, and I want to watch SpongeBob." No darling, we're not watching SpongeBob. I guess it really turned out best for me though. I didn't have to watch Barney OR SpongeBob.
Can I also tell you I've learned a great lesson this morning? Do not get on the laptop to post before leaving for work. It always takes longer than you thought it would, and you will be late for work.
It is now five minutes before we should be going, and Poptart is still in the bed!

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